Our Mission
About VOCA

VOCA Case Management provides holistic supportive services for victims of crime to encourage safety and resiliency. Our VOCA Case Manager supports the personal growth and emotional healing of victims through:

  • Assistance with Victims Compensation Fund
  • Advocacy and Emotional Support
  • Connection to resources like counseling, housing assistance, child care, transportation, etc.
  • Crisis Intervention and Safety Planning
  • Adults Sexually Abused/Assaulted as Children
  • Adult Physical Assault
  • Bullying (Cyber, Physical, or Verbal)
  • Burglary
  • Child Physical Abuse and Neglect
  • Domestic and/or Family Violence
  • DUI/DWI Incidents
  • Elder Abuse/Neglect
  • Hate Crime (Racial/Religious/Gender/ Sexual Orientation/Other)
  • Human Trafficking: Sex/Labor
  • Identity Theft/Fraud/Financial Crimes
  • Other Vehicular Victimization
  • Stalking/Harassment
  • Survivors of Homicide Victims
  • Teen Dating Victimization
Eligibility (one of the following must be true):
  • The victimization occurred in Connecticut
  • The victim lived in Connecticut when the victimization occurred
  • The victim lived in Connecticut at the time services were sought
To Apply

Visit the intake form by clicking here or call 1-800-505-9000.

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