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Donations by Check

To make a donation by check, please send check payable to
"Family & Children’s Agency" to:
Family & Children’s Agency
Attn: Development Office
9 Mott Avenue, 4th Floor, Norwalk, CT 06850

Donations of Stock

We welcome gifts of stock and securities, and the process is simple. Please notify our Development office by calling (203) 523-5719, then ask your broker to follow these Instructions for Transfer of Stock:

  1. Ask your broker to call Charles Schwab at (800) 435-4000.
  2. Have your broker send the gift to Charles Schwab earmarked for:
    The benefit of Family & Children's Agency, Inc.
    DTC #0164
    Account #9272-7051
  3. Make sure that either you or your broker contacts the Development Office at Family &
    Children’s Agency at (203) 855-8765 and notifies us of the:
    • type of stock
    • number of specific stock shares
    • name of the person or family donating the stock

This information is important in the matching of stock gifts to our donors and in the timely
acknowledgement of your gift.

Thank you for supporting the work of Family & Children’s Agency in the community!

Planned Giving

When reviewing your estate planning, please consider making a donation that will provide a lasting legacy. Your charitable bequest or other planned gift will help Family & Children’s Agency to continue work in the community helping to build better lives for children, families, adults, and seniors throughout Fairfield County.
Planned gifts include:

  • Bequest in your will
  • Insurance policy
  • IRA or other retirement plan
  • Charitable trust or annuity
  • Gift of real estate, securities, or other assets

Before making a planned gift, we suggest that you consult your attorney or tax advisor.

Wire Transfers

To make a gift through a wire transfer, please contact our Development office by calling 203-523-5719.

Donor Advised Funds

We gladly welcome grants through Donor Advised Funds (DAF). Please speak with your DAF sponsor to make a recommended gift.

In-Kind Donations

Outside of specified collections and drives, FCA is currently not accepting donated items for clients. New and gently used items can be donated to our fundraising committee’s bi-annual tag sale, Minks to Sinks. View this page for more information on making donations to Minks to Sinks.

We do accept donated gift cards for client emergencies, rewards for children in our programs, and to meet the needs of clients.

We are able to work with organizations and companies that would like to initiate drives or sponsor events for FCA.

For more information about donating gift cards, setting up a large-scale drive, or sponsoring an event such as a family picnic or field trip, please contact us.

Lilia’s Story

Lilia’s Story

Lilia can’t help but cry when she talks about what life was like before she found FCA. A recent immigrant from Guatemala, Lilia and her husband had a two-year-old daughter and Lilia was pregnant with twins when her husband lost his seasonal landscaping job.

“Because we didn’t have family here it was very hard and I felt alone,” said Lilia. Just a few weeks before her twins were born, she heard about FCA during her prenatal care visit. “From the minute I found out about FCA I felt like they were the family I really wanted.”

FCA has now been a part of Lilia’s family for more than six years and Lilia’s home visitor in FCA’s Child & Family Development program has seen her children grow up. From giving her family diapers, helping them apply for food stamps and heating assistance, and marking the children’s development to screen for developmental delays, FCA has been there for Lilia’s family. And while all that was important for her, Lilia said the biggest improvement has been within her.

During one visit, Lilia’s FCA worker noticed a change and administered a depression screening. When the results were concerning, Lilia was connected with an FCA clinician and began therapy. Lilia had been dwelling on some particularly difficult moments from her past and couldn’t seem to overcome them. She was struggling with loneliness, feeling unheard, and struggling without enough help at home. Therapy, Lilia said, helped her find her voice.

“Thanks to the therapist I feel courageous and empowered.” With those new skills, Lilia began babysitting to earn income, and her family is now able to move off public assistance.

“Now I feel good. I always wanted to work. I have goals and now I can reach them,” she said. “There are no words to say thank you to FCA for all the things they have given my family.”

“ I've been with Supportive Housing within FCA for a very long time. Its very rewarding to have people in your corner who you can depend on. My case worker has been very helpful and supportive over the years. I wouldn't know what to do without her. ”
— Housing Retention client
“ The work that is being done by FCA is amazing and we are so thankful to you all. ”
— Adoption client
“ My favorite part of volunteering is knowing I've made a difference in a person's day. ”
— Volunteer
“ FCA is an invaluable resource in the community. I’m honored to be part of that, even as a volunteer. ”
— Volunteer
“ Dad got excellent care from his homemakers. Thank you! ”
— Senior Services client
“ Love the work I do at FCA and look forward to finding more ways to contribute in the future! ”
— Volunteer