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TANF Case Management Program

Family & Children’s Agency provides recipients of TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) individualized case management and care coordination to help them achieve self-reliance. Our home-based counseling strengthens families and works collaboratively with clients to help them stay on their feet.

Contact Us
At Family & Children’s Agency (FCA), we prioritize your privacy and ensure you receive relevant and timely communication regarding our services. By submitting your phone number, you consent to receive text messages and phone calls related to the services provided by FCA. Communication will be used to share important updates, reminders, and service-related information. You can opt out of text messages any time by asking an FCA staff member. FCA staff only send text messages in compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
“ My driver was very friendly and easy to talk to. She took care to help me in and out of the car. She was very familiar with Norwalk streets. I enjoyed being with her - she drove safely. ”
— Senior Services client
“I strongly recommend my case manager to other kids coming in the system. She put me where I feel like I belong and when I first joined the system she welcomed me and she very positive energy.”
— Foster Care client
“I want to tell other women that they can do it. There are people out there like FCA to help you.”
— Child & Family Development client
“ Thanks to the information you provide me and your activities, it has been easier for me to understand my baby's development. ”
— Child & Family Development Client
“ASPIRE staff have supported emotionally when I feel like talking about my problems.”
— ASPIRE student
“ While an adoption can take longer than you expect, I found the staff very understanding, sincere in supporting us, and responsive when needed. ”
— Adoption client