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Volunteer Appreciation Month: Jackson

Volunteer Appreciation Month: Jackson

Apr 11, 2023 | Volunteers

It’s Volunteer Appreciation Month and we are highlighting a few of our dedicated volunteers. Today, meet Jackson and Claire of the Wilton SLOBs.

A few years ago, Jackson Carbonier and his mom, Claire, started a small group of boys who were interested in volunteering. Now, that same group has 120 students serving 9 organizations in the area.

The idea for the group came from the New Canaan SLOBs (Service League of Boys). Claire and Jackson felt there was a need for boys to have more volunteer opportunities, so they started a Wilton chapter.

“Volunteering gets kids out of their comfort zone and shows how even a few hours here and there can make a big impact,” said Claire.

Jackson is now a high school senior planning to attend the University of Richmond, so he and Claire are handing the reins over to another family. Their time with the group has been a very special experience.

“I’ve been able to bond with my family and friends in a way that helps others and I can see how appreciative everyone is,” said Jackson.

Jackson and the Wilton SLOBs have been incredible volunteers at Family & Children’s Agency. They help set up Minks to Sinks, providing a lot of manual labor setting up fencing, opening tables, and hanging signs. Their Back to School Drive last year provided $1,200 worth of backpacks and school supplies for kids in FCA’s programs.

“You take for granted how lucky we are in our schools and our community. Volunteering allows us to realize that giving back in our community is so important and shows how we can use what we have to give to the community,” said Jackson.

Thank you Jackson, Claire, and the Wilton SLOBs for all your incredible volunteer work with FCA!