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National Volunteer Month: Ginny

National Volunteer Month: Ginny

Apr 09, 2020 | Volunteers

April is National Volunteer Month and we are highlighting some of the people who give their time to help make FCA the best we can be. Today, read about Ginny Martin.

Ginny Martin has seen a lot of changes at Family & Children’s Agency (FCA) over the years. When she first became a volunteer in 1987 it was by answering an ad in the newspaper. The organization’s budget was $600,000, and even had a different name. Now, 33 years later, Ginny is a member of the Agency’s Board of Directors as well as Co-chair of its Senior Board of Advisors and FCA has grown considerably with a budget of more than $18 million.

Ginny has influenced many of those changes. She helped plan FCA’s very first gala and even handcrafted the centerpieces. She sat on the committee that changed the Agency’s name and logo, and now provides her expertise and institutional knowledge in her current role as a Board member.

Volunteering with FCA started for Ginny when her children became teenagers and she had more time.

“I’ve been so blessed in my life. This is the least I can do to help pay it back and make someone else’s life better,” she said.

Her fist volunteer role was a mentoring program for moms in which she helped women reach their goals, like getting a GED or a new job. She developed relationships and kept in touch with some of the clients for many years. For the past 10 years she has been bringing her church community to help every year at FCA’s Foster Care holiday dinner, and several church members have become ongoing volunteers and donors.

Most recently, Ginny volunteered at FCA’s holiday bazaar, where clients were able to “shop for free” and choose household items like linens, books, and cleaning products to keep or to give as gifts over the holidays.

Now serving on the Fund Development and Board Governance committees of the board as well as the Senior Board of Advisors, Ginny said it’s FCA’s ability to respond to community needs that keeps her connected to the Agency.

“I feel honored to be associated with FCA. It’s a living organism. FCA workers go out into the field, find out the need, and come back and find a way to meet the need.”

FCA is so grateful to Ginny for the incredible commitment she has shown over the years. We value her input, generosity and friendship. Thank you, Ginny for all your amazing efforts!